The VIRGINIO FERRARI RACING structure was born in 1994 with the objective of managing the activity of Virginio Ferrari in the competition sector.
From 1994 to 2000, Virginio's activity as a team manager was very prolific:
SBK World Champion in 1994 and 1995, 3rd place in 1996, 2nd place in 1997, 3rd place in 1998, with 43 victories in total with Chili, Corser, Falappa, Fogarty, Kocinski, Lucchiari, and Gobert riders.
During this period, in addition to his significant involvement in competitions, Virginio was the Director of SAM Cagiva Monaco, representing the Cagiva Group in the Principality of Monaco. At the same time, he developed with the VFRACING activity another sector of his activity still linked to the world of motorcycles. The objective was to create a specialized assistance point with highly qualified personnel for the Cagiva Group, in particular for the brands Cagiva, Ducati, and Mv Agusta.
1998 saw the birth of the second branch of the VFRACING activity at the 17 rue Plati in the Principality of Monaco.
From 2003, following the dissolution of SAM Cagiva Monaco, the VFRACING activity expanded by inheriting the role of representative and importer of the MV AGUSTA brand for the Principality.
Over the years, the close collaboration between MV Agusta and VFRACING has been strengthened: in addition to commercial and assistance activity, the technical department of VFRACING became between 2006 and 2008 a referent and official trainer of the French network. In parallel, Virginio Ferrari with its VFRACING structure had the role of officially representing the MV Agusta brand in several events and demonstrations.
The collaboration with MV Agusta continued over the years and was even stronger when in 2020 VFRACING expanded its scope of action as an importer for the Alpes Maritimes and became the official department of the factory dedicated to the creation of unique and tailor-made models for an exclusive international clientele under the name of MV Agusta Monaco Design Studio.
The historic collaboration between Virginio Ferrari and the MV AGUSTA factory came to an end at the start of 2022.
Today the VFRACING structure consists of two main sections:
VFRACING MANAGEMENT, the original department dedicated to competition and all the services related to this field of activity such as the management and collaboration with competition teams, the management of pilots and the development of new projects related to the world of motorcycle sports.
VFRACING MONACO DESIGN STUDIO is a section of the VIRGINIO FERRARI RACING structure dedicated to the creation of unique motorcycle models to meet the demand of an exclusive and international clientele. Its skills bring together designers, painters, upholstery specialists, manufacturers of carbon parts and other stakeholders in the creation of unique pieces, with a field of applications now open to new sectors.

The original department dedicated to competition and all the services related to this field of activity such as the management and collaboration with competition teams, the management of pilots and the development of new projects related to the world of motorcycle sports.